How to Get Back Missing Google Reviews

Recover missing Google reviews! Learn how in our comprehensive guide. Boost your online reputation today!

Are some of your valuable Google reviews mysteriously disappearing? Losing reviews can be frustrating, especially when they contribute significantly to your business's credibility and reputation. However, fear not! There are steps you can take to potentially recover those missing reviews and maintain a positive online presence. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process step by step.

Gather Evidence of the Missing Google Reviews

Before you can request Google's assistance, it's essential to have evidence that the reviews were indeed left. Here's what you'll need:

  • Name of the reviewer
  • Screenshots of the reviews (Sometimes, even if reviews go missing, they can still be visible to the reviewer if they revisit your Google page)
  • Confirmation email from Google indicating that you received a new review

Contact Google My Business Support

Head to the following link: Once there, follow these steps:

  • Select the business for which you're missing reviews
  • Under "What can we help you with?", type "Missing Reviews"
  • Choose "Other" when prompted for the issue type. This allows you to open a specific case with Google for investigation, rather than being routed through an automated system
  • Click "Next Step"
  • Choose "Email" as your preferred contact method
  • Select "I need support for a different issue" from the dropdown menu, bypassing Google's automated system
  • Fill out the form with your business's details
  • In the "Describe your issue" section, provide details about the missing reviews and include the names of the reviewers

Once you've filled out the form, click "Submit."

Waiting for Google Support's Email Reply

Now, you'll need to wait for a response from Google's support team. Typically, this can take 24-48 hours, as Google is usually quite responsive.

When you receive their email reply, it may appear similar to the example below. This is a standard response addressing various issues:

In your reply, explain your specific issue and attach photos/screenshots of the missing Google reviews. Ensure that the screenshots include the reviewer's name.

Be detailed and compose a professionally laid-out email. This approach often yields positive results with our clients.

That's it! Now, wait for Google My Business's support team to investigate and respond to your inquiry. They may inform you that they're looking into the issue. If several days pass without a response, consider sending a follow-up email requesting an update.

This process has helped our company recover approximately 80% of our clients' missing Google reviews. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, feel free to email us at, and one of our team members will assist you in retrieving your reviews.

Remember, your online reputation matters, and recovering missing reviews can significantly impact your business's success. Stay proactive and persistent in your efforts to maintain a positive online presence!